Hey Everyone! I'm back! I have finally begun to work on captions again after my long break away. I've got a couple done so continue to look for more posts! I think this one is going to be a good one to get back into the swing of things. Enjoy!
La lencería erótica es un buen recurso de seducción, pero cuando se habla de ropa intima sexy se piensa erróneamente en prendas como las utilizadas en las prácticas de sadomasoquismo o se cree que hay que visitar un sex shop para adquirirlas. Nada de eso, la ropa íntima femenina o masculina se encuentran en cualquier comercio, sólo hay que elegir las prendas más sexys, aquellas que despierten la atracción en la pareja. Muchas mujeres se dejan estar por comodidad y no invierten dinero en su ropa interior, eso es un grave error, ya que comprar lenceria no es un gasto, es una inversión.
Recibimos infinidad de comentarios sobre que hacer para incentivar el deseo sexual de la pareja y entre las recomendaciones que siempre reiteramos está la de comprar lencería erótica. Seguramente pocos o pocas tendrán en cuenta la sugerencia pensando que es una tontería que no va a cambiar en nada la situación, cuando en realidad este pequeño detalle puede hacer la diferencia. Una mujer que se mira al espejo con una ropa interior poco atractiva, que tal vez ni siquiera se ajusta a su cuerpo, perdió el color o está tan vieja que ya se ven hilos sobresaliendo por todos lados, no puede sentirse sexy y su pareja tampoco la verá de esa manera. En cambio una mujer que cuando se mira al espejo se ve atractiva y deseable elevará su seguridad, su autoestima, se sentirá bien con ella misma, mejorará su ánimo y estará más dispuesta al sexo. Es más que obvio que su pareja despertará del letargo si su mujer sale de la ducha con un hermoso conjunto erótico y si se atreve a usar una tanga, un cola less o un hilo dental, ni les cuento los resultados. La lencería erótica no sólo es para mujeres, los hombres pueden cambiar esas cosas horribles que usan, encima dos talles más grandes, como las que usaban los abuelos, por unos boxer ajustados de un bonito color, las mujeres también necesitan ser seducidas y les atrae un hombre que luce bien. La ropa interior masculina no tiene tantas variaciones como la lencería femenina pero también hay muchos modelos para elegir y sorprender a la pareja.
Recuerden la sugerencia, compren lencería erótica con frecuencia y no se van a arrepentir de los resultados.
Hey everyone, here is part two! Don't worry, there are many, MANY more to come. This is turning out to be a real epic. I may or may not be posting part 3 tonight. I haven't decided. I could always use some persuading. Please check out the first one and the one by Smitty. I'm loving the comments and encouragements everyone, keep them coming!
Hey everyone! Part 4 is ready for viewing. I hope I'm doing a good job of leaving you all on the edge of your seat!
Hey everyone! I hope everyone is as excited about this as I have been. I spent all day writing this thing out. It's 13 caps total and this is only the 3rd one. It's going to get a lot better, I promise. But, without further adeu, Smittyed pt:3!
And the tale of Missy getting Smittyed continues. Let me tell you, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better. (Even though better and worse is subjective.)
Hey everyone! Sorry for the long wait. I've been super busy the past two days. So without further adeiu, part 10!
We are nearing the end folks! What is going to happen to our Hero(ine)? Well if you read the Smitty cap, you already know for the most part. Regardless, enjoy!
Anikka Albrite is the landlady's new assistant. Her job includes spanking young ladies who don't have the rent - so always broke Mary Jane is Anikka's obvious first target. She spanks Mary Jane's bouncy bottom very hard, until Mary Jane has had enough and turns the table on an equally bouncy bottom from My Spanking Roommate or the 4 site Clare Fonda Pass!
We have made it to the end! The thrilling conclusion to the Smittyed series! What a fun one. I will say, that it was difficult to go out and do a multiple cap series. I tip my hat to Smitty and all the other captioners who do the series as opposed to the one picture cap. It was not easy work! I want to thank you all for waiting so patiently for the ending. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Don't worry, I still have plenty of stuff on the way.
Hey everyone! I have a new single cap for you. I posted the entire Smittyed Series as one post for easier viewing. Thank you for all the comments and encouragement. I really appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this one though!
Hey everyone! It's contest time! Here we have a new cap without a title. It is up for you sissies to come up with one. You two days and the person to come up with the best one gets their very own cap done by me! Completely customized. So let those ideas flow and let best person win! Chao
Hello, hello! I have a new series, if you could call it. I've been enamoured with the idea of two sissies together, so I have a few caps that go with it. I hope you enjoy.
Hey everyone! New cap! Hooray! Also, it's time to announce the winner of the cap title contest.....Chaosbeast! "Ask and you shall recieve." As apart of the deal, you get a compeltely customized cap. In the comment section just tell me what you are looking for in your idea cap, from type of punishment, type of girl, names, situation, whatever you desire. Congradulations.
Hey everyone! Here is Kimmy/Ryan's personal cap for being my 200th follower. I hope you all enjoy it. Happy Hump Day!
Hey everyone, Sorry I haven't capped in awhile, I've been very busy. But I will hopefully be working on a many more now that classes are over. I hope you sissies enjoy!
Hello everyone! New cap today. I love Mistresses work so I figured I follow Smitty's lead and do a cap on her. I've always been a fan of her blog and I thought it would be fun to do a cap with her in it.That being said, I figured who better to take a punishment from her than me? I hope you enjoy it Mistress Simone, I would hate to be punished because you didn't.
Hey everyone! Brand new cap today. I think this might be one of my favorite caps yet. I love everything about this cap; the picture, the story, it was so enjoyable writing this cap and it was a fun one to do. I hope everyone enjoys. Also I am two caps away from my 100th caption. There will be a cap giveaway that will go along with it.
Hey everyone, new cap today. I really like this new cap, it's short, sweet, and to the point. I love all the comments that everyone has been writing. They have been so encouraging and they make me want to make more for all my lovely fans! So here it is, enjoy!
Hey everyone! New cap today, in case you couldn't already tell. I wanted to ask my readers/followers a question, what is the deal with the Haven/Haven Quarterly? I'm quite curious.
Joelle was enjoying a few special lemonades at the park with the other neighborhood nannies while the children were on the playground. When David hears that she was drinking on the job, he uses the leather nanny paddle on the nanny from Punished Brats.
Hey everyone! I've got a new cap as you can probably tell. It's an interesting one, at least in my mind. It's a little different from the stuff that I normally do. I delve a little bit into the mind of a wanna-be sissy. I'm sure that many of you are going to be able to find this cap relatable, I know I sure did. The prospect of this, "other" side is pretty intriguing and I'm going to assume that like myself, it got all of you too. Enjoy!
"Sois a mi pensamiento, cual pan para vivir, o como el dulce tiempo de lluvias a la tierra, y yo por vuestra paz, sostengo tal batalla, como la que se entabla entre avaro y tesoro.
"Ora altivo cual dueño y ora súbitamente, temeroso que el tiempo le robe su riqueza. O estimo que no hay nada, mejor, que estar con vos, y prefiero que el mundo contemple mi placer.
A veces jubiloso, ante vuestra presencia, y más tarde famélico de una mirada tuya, no queriendo tener, ni buscar más placer, que el que de ti no venga o el que de ti no tome.
Así, día tras día, me sacio y languidezco, devorándolo todo o de todo privado."